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4 Job Interview Tips for Technicians

Written by Industrial Stores Staff 07/14/20224 Job Interview Tips for Technicians

As the adage goes, failing to prepare is preparing to fail.

When it comes to job interviews, preparation is the watchword. There's no substitute for it.

Your competence in actual service delivery doesn’t count for much at this stage. After all, during the interview, you’ll lobby for a chance to demonstrate your skills, but that’s it.

For now, preparation is your only means of being accurate, relevant, confident, and impressive during an interview.

To help you achieve this, we’ve compiled these four job interview tips for technicians:

  • Research the company
  • Craft an elevator speech
  • Prepare for specific questions
  • Ask the right questions

We’ll share tips on answering the hiring manager’s questions satisfactorily. Also, you’ll see the contrast between a prepared candidate and an unprepared interviewee.

Tip 1 - Research the Company

As a technician, you may be good at what you do and still end up in an organization with a culture that makes you miserable.

Spare yourself from this misfortune through diligent research.

From your findings, you’ll decide whether your skills and ambitions align with the company’s requirements for the advertised position.

Some of the key areas to focus on during your research include the company’s:

  • Values
  • Reputation
  • Growth opportunities
  • Benefits
  • Culture

Importance of Company Research

Through research, you’ll understand the company’s overall philosophy and employee requirements. Test these against your ideals to identify conflicting areas and make the necessary behavioral, resume, and cover letter adjustments.

You should expect the hiring manager to ask you to state what you know about the company during the interview. Sometimes they paraphrase this inquiry by seeking to understand why you believe you’ll be a good fit.

Prior company research will help you tailor your answers to match the needs and aspirations of the company you hope to work with.

research the company before interview

How to Research a Company

The company’s website is a great place to begin your research. There are usually enough clues to how a company wants to be known. The “about” section mainly showcases its foundation, values, and goals.

An analysis of the company’s mission statement will help you unpack its overall ideals, such as:

  • Competitive remuneration
  • Work-life balance
  • Employee welfare

Look at the services and products page of the company to know what it deals in.

Apart from the company’s website, search for it on Google to see if it has featured in the news recently and for what reason. This way, you’ll get an objective third-person view of the company.

During the interview, a timely reference to the company’s recent news coverage or corporate event will significantly impress the hiring manager.

Here are more ways to find valuable company information:

  • Company review sites
  • Ask your recruitment firm
  • Employees’ LinkedIn profiles
  • The company’s social media accounts
  • Talking to current and former employees

The table below will help you differentiate a prepared job candidate from an unprepared one.

Prepared Candidate Unprepared Candidate
They know the company widely through research They don’t know what the company does
They’ve got accurate job descriptions and requirements They didn't read the job description
They’re able to express themselves in a few but coherent words effectively They don’t have an elevator speech
They’re confident and command attention and respect They’re visibly nervous
Swipe left to see more

Tip 2 - Craft an Elevator Speech

When the interviewer says, “Tell me about yourself”, they expect to hear a short and sweet summary of:

  • Who you are
  • What you do
  • How you do it
  • Why you do it

In other words, it’s time to deliver your elevator speech.

Your elevator speech should be between 30 and 60 seconds long and not exceed 75 words. So, you’ve got little time and few words to declare what you’ll bring to the company. 

Therefore, make it rich, fascinating, and persuasive enough to hook your interviewer to care to know more about you.

Personalize your elevator speech to reflect your uniqueness. Only share actual and memorable facts about yourself. Emphasize your unique selling proposition (USP) without exaggeration.

deliver a personalized elevator speech

While stating what you do, speak directly to the responsibilities as spelled out in the position you’re applying for.

If you tweak your elevator speech to suit varying interviews, always blend in the following specifics:

  • Sell your passion
  • Demonstrate value
  • Focus on the employer’s needs
  • Promote your usefulness, not yourself
  • List quantifiable accomplishments and examples

Commit your elevator speech to memory by reciting it repeatedly before the interview. Alternatively, record it on your phone and listen to it until it’s clear in your mind.


Tip 3 - Prepare for Specific Questions

During an interview, the hiring manager will ask questions aimed at determining your behavior, experience, and response in real-world work scenarios.

They’ll also want to know whether you possess relevant skills such as:

  • Teamwork
  • Leadership
  • Pragmatism
  • Communication

state the techniques you apply

Common Technician Interview Questions

Here are the three questions most hiring managers ask technicians during a job interview and tips on how to answer them.

Question 1 - What personal attributes make you a good fit for this position?

In answering this question, show your mastery of soft skills, highlighting the ones most applicable to the job in context. For example, mention your problem-solving abilities, accuracy, and attention to detail. Explain how they improve your effectiveness as a technician.

Question 2 - How do you keep yourself updated on advancements in this industry?

The hiring manager wants to identify your professional skills in maintaining the latest industry knowledge by asking this question. State the techniques you apply to keep up with industry trends, such as reading journals, checking industry news, and participating in related professional events.

Question 3 - What’s the most challenging project you handled, and how did you succeed?

The interviewer asks this question to assess your technical know-how and problem-solving abilities.

Using the STAR method, talk about a particular:

  • Situation
  • Task
  • Action
  • Result

Show the part you played in identifying a problem and your contribution to its final resolution.

Expert Tip: Remember to send your interviewer a “thank you” note or email within 24 hours after the interview.

Tip 4 - Ask the Right Questions

Ask the hiring manager insightful questions during a job interview. This is an excellent opportunity for you to show your thoughtfulness, professionalism, and devotion.

Failing to ask the interviewer the right questions is neglecting your role in the interview process.

Since this section usually comes at the tail end, here is a cross-section of questions to help you end the interview on the right note.

Question 1 - How significant is this position to the organization?

By asking this question, you want to understand the impact and influence of your role on the company network. You want to know the personnel and departments that depend on your competency as a technician. This will help you understand the weight of your responsibility more clearly.

Question 2 - What should I do to be deemed successful?

This question will prompt the interviewer to state the company’s expectations for your excellence in clear terms. These are in addition to a technician’s universal qualities, such as good communication and analytical skills.

Question 3 - What are the workflow management expectations?

The interviewer will answer this question by, for example, stating how much work is enough for one day. They’ll also explain how and whether you’ll be paid for your work after regular working hours.

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Whether you’re a technician or a homeowner looking to DIY, request a quote today, and we’ll deliver your product within 24 hours. Create a free account with Industrial Stores and get the best online buying experience.

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testimonial from Janet Wartschow

Create the Best Impression

Your appearance, attitude, and words are the only evidence of your professional and technical credibility during an interview. Therefore, make every word and gesture count by watching your tone and body language.

Sit upright, maintain eye contact, and always smile.

And when you’ve clinched that position and settled in your technical portfolio, Industrial Stores will be on hand to help you bring maximum value to your organization.

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